Flamstead Estate Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
Single Estate, 100% Authentic, 100% CIB certified
“We always strive to present you with the best coffee our farm can produce. Thank you so much for you loyalty, we sincerely appreciate your patronage.”

At Flamstead Estate
What makes us different?
Our coffee is a distinctive one, 100% certified on each pack.
An exquisitely clean, mild, smooth, slightly sweet, full-bodied brew, with an unforgettable aroma.
With a signature aftertaste that is the essence of Flamstead Estate Jamaica Blue Mountain® Coffee.

“In a world where a consumers coffee choices are determined by the marketing muscle of multinationals Flasmstead Estate Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, keeps the custom of quality alive.”
George Missegianis Kefekopteio Kolonaki , Athens
“In a world where a consumers coffee choices are determined by the marketing muscle of multinationals Flasmstead Estate Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, keeps the custom of quality alive.”
Degustation Delicatessen Kolonaki
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
Learn by the experts
An unforgettable aroma, a signature aftertaste and an essence like no other.
Flamstead Estate Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
“Let the rich flavor capture your senses.
Let the taste hit you and discover a deep aromatic palette.
Once you test this coffee, you will never forget it.”
Coffee production in Jamaica began in the foothills of the St. Andrew mountains and gradually extended into the steep interior of the eastern Blue Mountain range and included the ideally suited coffee growing region in the Blue Mountain range within which Flamstead Estate is located. Coffee plantations continued never the less its upward mobility until it reached the peak at 7,402 feet, Flamstead Estate coffee is planted at 3,900 feet.
Taxes were imposed on coffee production in the early days, and its selling price was kept high to protect the East India Company’s growing tea market, and of equal importance due to the worsening financial situation in Britain.
As a result of its ideal location within the preferred climatic zone of the designated coffee growing region in the Jamaica Blue Mountains, Flamstead Estate coffee is considered the affordable luxury, by coffee connoisseurs the world over.
Why does coffee grown on it's steep slopes produce such a beautiful cup of coffee ?
It’s a rare natural gift combining the high altitude, the volcanic soil, & the Arabica coffee-cherry variety. Hours of cloud cover which offers perfectly-muted sunshine. The phenomenal Blue Mountain mist, that magical gift of nature that Bob Marley sang about…
There’s A Natural Mystic Blowing Through The Hills…
Whatever the combination, the result is a timeless coffee that, remains the benchmark against which all others are judged.
The Blue Mountains
Located in the east of Jamaica sits it’s legendary mountain range that stretches from north to south. With a majestic summit that peaks at just over 7,000 feet.